Clowder Graduates

FIP Survivor - Cured 7/19/2024


This young guy arrived at C9R in January 2024, at the age of 5 months with a diagnosis of dry/neuro FIP. Upon arrival, he displayed severe wobbling and tremors, coupled with being significantly underweight for his age. Historically, cases like his would inevitably result in fatality or euthanasia. However, thanks to advancements in medicine and the dedicated efforts of Dr. Niels Pedersen and his team at UC Davis, FIP cats now have a beacon of hope through treatment with GS-441524.

G-man commenced his GS treatment on January 20th and underwent 32 days of excruciatingly painful and uncomfortable injections. Through this period, remarkable progress was evident in his neurological symptoms as he regained the ability to jump, run, climb, and engage in playful activities with his fellow felines. Additionally, a significant weight gain was observed, and within a few months, he reached a healthy weight appropriate for his age. Once injections were no longer feasible, the treatment shifted to pills for the remaining 84 days, ensuring continuity in his care regimen.

On April 26th, following his final blood work panel, we entered the “observation” period, lasting 84 days to carefully monitor for any signs of a relapse. The chance of relapse is rare, and if by the end of these 3 months, no relapse occurs (which is highly unusual), he will be deemed cured of FIP! Currently, on May 12th, his progress is remarkable, and he now resides happily in his home with his mom and fellow feline companions, thriving in the companionship and security they provide. We feel exceptionally blessed and appreciative of his mom's decision to take a chance on this little guy, granting Clowder 9 Ranch the opportunity to contribute significantly to aiding FIP cats across Southern Idaho and its neighboring regions. G-man, keep thriving!


Congratulations, Ewan!  This handsome young tabby was brought to Clowder 9 Ranch in December 2023, after being swept up in part of a TNR program.  It was quite evident by their charm, temperament and personality that this boy, and his sister, Dahlia, were deserving of so much more.  Ewan struggled in the beginning with a very scary, and almost deadly, upper respiratory infection, but with proper care and medicine, he pulled through.  Then it was his turn to battle the dreaded fungal jungle of ringworm.  Due to tummy sensitivities, he didn’t handle the oral meds very well, so we just let it ride out with topicals and time.  Finally, after months of treatment and a full recovery, this most perfect cat ever was available for his forever home.  And let me tell you, he hit the jackpot!  He was adopted by a wonderful and loving family who adopted one of our former fosters last year.  I cannot wait to hear about all of the silly and crazy shenanigans these to get into and how much love and joy they bring their family.

Adopted 7/30/2024


Congratulations, Dahlia! This lovely young lady arrived at Clowder 9 Ranch alongside her brother, Ewan, in December 2023 as part of the important trap-neuter-release initiative. While they were originally intended for outdoor living, it soon became clear that they turned out to be wonderful indoor cats. After a rather unfortunate mishap in which Dahlia lost half her tail to an electric recliner, she remarkably bounced back and showed her resilience. She did encounter some challenges due to a URI that affected her eyes, but thankfully, she received the dedicated care needed to effectively resolve her symptoms. After spending three weeks at Meridian, ID PetSmart without garnering any interest, we were overjoyed to welcome her back to the ranch so she could relax and enjoy her time. In mid-August 2024, Dahlia finally found her forever home when a visitor was completely smitten with her charming personality. Their bond formed surprisingly quickly, and now, this once-overlooked kitty brings immense joy to her new family. Her journey is a beautiful reminder of the magic that can happen when the perfect match is made between a pet and their forever family.

Adopted 8/10/2024


Congratulations, Nick! Nick has found his forever home! Nick's journey began when he was rescued from the streets of Modesto, CA in mid-March 2024. Found with no history and a badly broken leg, he was taken to the Stanislaus County Shelter on March 18th. Unfortunately, due to overcrowding and his injury, Nick was scheduled for euthanasia on March 22nd. However, thanks to the efforts of our friends at Jazzy’s Legacy in Amador County, CA, a plea was made to save Nick's life. With just 15 minutes to spare, Nick was spared from his fate.

Nick arrived at Clowder 9 Ranch on March 25th, and it quickly became evident that he was a special addition to our rescue. Despite his past hardships, Nick proved to be a gentle, sweet, cuddly, and remarkably happy boy. His resilience and spirit have touched all of us at the ranch, showcasing the unconditional love and care that every animal deserves.

Upon reviewing the x-rays and conducting a comprehensive exam, it was determined that amputating Nick's broken leg was the most suitable course of action for his well-being. Thanks to the generous donations received, Nick underwent the necessary surgery on Monday, April 1st, and quickly showed signs of improved comfort. Following a longer-than-expected recovery period, we are thrilled to announce that Nick has made a full recovery and is just as "normal" as any other dog. He returned to Jazzy’s Legacy at the end of July to start making public appearances aimed at boosting his chances of adoption. In just three short weeks, Nick found his forever home. He will be living in Pine Grove, CA, with his mom, dad, and two doggy brothers. Nick can look forward to plenty of activity, cuddles, attention, and, above all, love!

Adopted 8/18/2024

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